Monday, August 8, 2016

Yes! I have a subject!

Hello everyone! I can't believe another week has already gone by! It's was a great one, but it just went by so fast!

On Wednesday, we discovered a problem in our apartment. We had been noticing some small flies around the apartment recently, but hadn't thought to much of it. We got some flies traps, and thought we were safe. Nope. We emptied out our trash one day, and noticed here was something in the bottom on the trash can. Elder Spackman figured out they were little eggs, and we bag an looking around more carefully. We started seeing tiny maggots around the trash can, and a bookshelf. We move the shelf to find just big nest of the little nasties. So, naturally, we did what anyone would do. Just like in Sodom and Gomorra, we rained down fire on their cities. An hour later, no more flies.

We had a way cool miracle this week. We had a meal with a member at 5:30 in the evening, and we were trying our hardest to get some of our investigators there. But, no matter what we did, we had no one. But, we start messaging some potential investigators, specifically one named Jack. His real name is Tou, but his American name is Jack. We met Jack on the first day of the transfer a couple weeks ago, and until then, he had been way standoffish. Like, he pretty much straight up told us he didn't want to hear our message. But! We hit I'm up anyways. Well, we message him, and he calls us back right as we enter the church. Jack speaks Chinese, and so we throw him over to a member named Choyo, we just goes off in Chinese to him. Choyo finished his conversation, and hangs up. All he says to us at that point is, "Got him!" Jack ended up coming to the meal and just loved it. On the way
there and back, him and Choyo became really good friends. We were able to give him a Chinese Book of Mormon, and set up another lesson with him. It was such a testament to me of just how much God knows His children, and how He knows exactly what needs to happen for His children's happiness. I know this is the Lord's work!

I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Some cool kids we met recently while on splits with Elder Perez

This thing walked past our apartment. There was a huge festival that went on over the weekend that just had everyone going nuts.

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