Tuesday, August 23, 2016

It rained yesterday.

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great day! I didn't have a chance to send out an email yesterday because there was a typhoon that blew through town, and we all had to stay inside all day. Seriously, it was raining so hard over here, I just couldn't believe it. But, regardless, we were able to get a lot of cleaning done around the apartment, which is really nice *\(^o^)/*

We got to watch the Sapporo Temple dedication this week. It was so awesome, I love temples. President Nelson spoke at and dedicated the temple. It was a wonderful Spiritual experience. I could just feel again and again how big of a blessing it is to have temples on the earth, and I know that there are going to be so many blessing poured out because of the new temple here. The Lord is mindful of all of His children!

We got transfer calls this week! I'm going to be staying in Hachioji, but my companion will be leaving. I'm going to miss Elder Spackman, we've seen a lot of miracles together and gotten a lot of work down. My new companion is going to be Elder Jennings. He is a way fun guy, and I know I'm going to be able to learn a lot from him during this next transfer!

We are still working with our boy Tou San. He is progressing way well right now. He came to one of our lessons, and was like, "Hey, I wanna repent. How do you do that?" Haha yes! It's such a pleasure to work with him, he's so humble and he is really in tune with the Spirit as we teach. Tou is the best!

We have a new investigator named Keisuke, and we were able to have a great member present lesson with our recent convert, Shintaro. We taught about faith, repentance, and baptism. We asked Keisuke what kind of blessings he wanted to receive from God, and he said he just wanted to feel Gods love, since he doesn't think he's ever felt that before. But, I can promise him and everyone else out there that God does love you. He loves you so much.

I love you all tons! Have a great week!
Elder Nelson

Some cool kids who we had lunch and a lesson with. They are way tall for a Japanese person.

Got to meet this great guy while knockin on some doors during an exchange

This is Hachioji Station. I love this place.

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