Monday, August 29, 2016

We had a transfer!

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great week. We had transfers this week, so that has a great, crazy week. There have been so many miracles that have happened!

First things first, I saw Elder De Andrade this week! He is serving in the same zone as I am, so I was able to see him at Stake Conference. He's looking good! It's was so great to see him, for only a couple
minutes, but it was so good! We didn't take any pictures or anything 😁. But! I'll see him again when I visit his district meeting this week, so I'll take a photo then (⌒▽⌒)

We had a really cool miracle one transfer day this week. While we were waiting for an Elder to arrive in the area, we were working around the train station, and this lady walks up to us and starts talking. She told us she had a friend who goes to church in another area of our mission. We walked and talked with her, and she said that she had time right then, and wanted to learn about church. We called the Sister missionaries, and they were was close by, so they met her at the church and shared with her about the church. It was such a cool way to see how God guides us and helps His children.

We had Stake Conference this week. It was way good! There were a lot of good parts, but my favorite part was the last speaker. He spoke about several different things, but some of the highlights were about our attitudes. He said that smiling and laughing are both signs of feeling the Spirit. I personally don't believe the Spirit will ever make you feel down on yourself, or make you feel worthless. Now, that doesn't mean we won't have trials, or we won't feel sadness. But, as we rely on the Lord and trust in Him, we will be able to feel peace in our decisions and be able to smile. The other thing he shared was simply that it's better to look up. Look up to the Lord, and rely on Him. Look up and smile!

I love you all so much! Thank you for all the support and love and care that I can feel from you. You are all such good examples to me and I'm so blessed to have you in my life. I love you all! Keep up the smile and laughter!

Elder Nelson

Elder Jennings (my new companion) and three kids we met on the street

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