Monday, April 3, 2017

It's Spring!

Hello everyone! It has been a great week, Spring is finally rolling in. I love when it starts warming up, there are so many people out and about and that are willing to talk. Lots of fun!

One exciting thing that happened this past week was that we ran into Elder Matsumoto again! He finished his mission several weeks ago, but only lives about 2-3 hours away from Kichijoji. He was at the church with some of his friends, and we had just finished district meeting, so we got to say hello. Always good to see him around!

This past week I've learned a really good lesson about prayer. We have an investigator named Yoshi, and he's been praying several times a week recently, and whenever I ask how his prayer are, he always tells me that when he prays, he feels his view of the world changing. He feels more positive and has more hope. It may be small, but I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers. He loves us and is always willing to help us!

Love you all! Have a great week!

Also, go to and check out the new Prince of Peace Easter initiative. It's so good!!

Love you!

Elder Nelson

Also, here are some pictures.

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