Saturday, March 25, 2017

If your hotdog is cold, does it become a normal dog?

This was a great week! Really busy, but a lot great things happened!

I got my Japanese drivers license this week! Elder Battaglia did all of the driving in our  companionship last transfer, but he's left now, so I get to do it. Pretty exciting!

It was transfer week, so we welcomed into the mission new missionaries, and worked with them for a couple days. It amazes me just how much people are prepared and blessed just in the small time that they are in the MTC. I feel so blessed to be able to see the new missionaries and all of the hope and excitement that they have for the work. I know that Heavenly Father will take their efforts and perform miracles through them.

I love this work, and I love the opportinuty to be a missionary in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's service. I hope that you all have a wonderful week!

Elder Nelson

Also, thank you all for the birthday wishes! They mean a lot!

Taking the new missionaries out to eat tsukemen for the first time.

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