Saturday, February 18, 2017

I'm sorry I'm lame at taking pictures.

Hello! I'm never sure how to start this first line of an email, so I'm just going to write the first thing that comes to mind. Dragonflies. Ok, good.

This week was really good! We had a busy past couple days, but they were full of some great miracles. It's amazing to see the hand of the Lord guiding us here.

One miracle was on Saturday and Sunday. A random Vietnamese man came to the church out of the blue, and asked if he could come to church the next day (Sunday). We of course said that that would be fine, and we went to church with him the next day. His name is Gyap, and moved to Japan like a week ago. He's Christian, and wants to meet and study more with us. Elder Battaglia was able to sit by him during church and translate some of what was going on for him, and eventually just taught him the whole Plan of Salvation. He is way prepared, and I can't wait to keep meeting with him!

We had a couple meeting this week, for new District leader and a follow training meeting for the new missionaries. Something that President Warnick always shares at those type of conferences that has become more and more true to me recently. It's found in Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." I know that whenever you are gathered in the name of Christ, you can have His Spirit to be with you. That can be in sacrament meeting, Sunday school, even family prayer or scripture study. Please strive to be aware of those opportunities and God will bless in so many ways. He loves His children!

Thank you all! I love you, and I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Elder Nelson

We got dinner with an investigator friend from a different ward. This kid is way awesome! He loves the church, and even though he can't join the church yet, he bore to us some amazing testimony of the blessings of the gospel. Great experience!

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