Saturday, February 25, 2017

Elder Holland visit!

Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a great week, this week was incredible, Elder Holland visited Japan! It was way good! The rest of the week was good as well.

One cool miracle that happened this week was we were at church, and a potential investigator of ours who usually comes to our Sports Night stopped by. His parents were visiting from China, and so we got to talk to them, play some basketball, and eventually give them a copy of the Book of Mormon in Chinese. It was way cool, I feel our investigator is much more open now to hearing the gospel because of the influence that we were able to have on his parents. We should be meeting with him tonight to have dinner with his parents before they go back to China next week.

Also, side note. I don't know why, but I just seem to find a ton of people from China. Like, everywhere I go, I meet tons of people from China or Taiwan. I know how to say like 5 things in Chinese, and they are "I am fat" and "God loves you". Always fun.

Elder Holland visited! He was here from Saturday to Sunday, and gave three conferences. I didn't see one of them, but one Sunday morning he gave a special multi-stake stake conference broadcast, in which he gave one of the best talks I've ever heard about the Savior's visit to America. I can't do it justice over mail, but I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and the special message it shares about the Savior.

The other conference was on Sunday night, and it was broadcast from Kichijoji, which is where I am serving right now! I got to watch it live with some investigators and recent converts, and it was so good. It was recorded, and I shared it on Facebook, so please go watch it! (Elder Nelson's Mom here: Feel free to watch the entire devotional, but Elder Hollands talk starts at about 1 hour, 17 minutes if that's your preference.) I know that the Savior lived so that all of us, every single one, can overcome their mistakes, be cleansed from their sins, can be fixed when they are broken. I know He lives!

Love you all! I hope you have a great week! Thank you for all of your support!

Elder Nelson
Our new friend!

This is the church benches 20 minutes after church, 6 hours before Elder Holland arrives for the conference.

If you watch the conference, this is the man who translates. He's also a Stake President where I used to serve, and a friend. He's seriously one of the nicest people ever, and one of the best translators in Japan. Love this man!

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