Monday, September 19, 2016

The Week: Coming soon to an email near you

Hello everyone! This week was way good, there was a lot of good things that happened!

We had a festival on an airbase this week. The base only opens up for anyone to walk on once a year, so there were a ton of people there. We went with an investigator named Kazu, and ate some real American food. It was so crazy being around so many English speakers. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

We held a Chinese Night at the Hachioji church. The event was run in Chinese and Japanese, and everyone who came was supposed to bring some type of food, potluck style. I thought only like 5-6 people would come, but it turns out we get close to 45 people who attended. It was a huge miracles to have everyone there, espcially since we were able to have our mission President and his wife come as well. Sister Warnick speaks Chinese, and so she was able to speak to everyone at the event and share a message with them. It was way awesome!

Elder Yamashita from our area Presidency came to this mission and spoke to us this past week, so that way awesome. I was able to learn a lot from him and from the Spirit. He spoke on a lot of things, but there are two things that I feel like I should share. 1) He was talking about asking for member referrals, and how to more effectively do that. He said we should be asking people if they know someone from one of these situations: recently had a baby, recently moved, recently had a death in the family, or recently married. That's all in PMG, but he reminded us of it. The point is, I know there are a lot l you at home who are looking for ways to share the gospel. If you are, then start with those people!

The second thing he shared was about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Essentially what he shared, and what I feel like I should share, is that the whole purpose of this life is to improve so we can return
home to our Father. Because Heavenly Father loves all of us, He gave us the Atonement to allow us to change and grow. Rely on His Son, Jesus Christ and everything can and will work out for your good!

I love you all! I hope you have a great week!

Elder Nelson

At the Airbase. Yes, Kazu is eating a meat lollipop.

The Chinese night!

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