Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Baptism and the Temple!

Hello everyone! I don't have a lot of time today because we went to the temple! It was great! Seriously, the temple is one of my favorite places. Make time to get to the temple this week. No where else on earth is quite as close to heaven and to our Father as His holy temples.

Our boy Tou got baptized! Seriously, Tou is the best. I love this guy so much. He has so much faith, he's like my idol. He is so willing to try and keep the commandments, even if he wasn't sure what would happen. But, he said he would try, and so he gave it his best, and the Lord blessed him for it. Tou is the best!

That's all I have time for, but I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Elder Spackman came back so he could baptize Tou

Tou just bein awesome

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