Monday, September 26, 2016

Squirrel Jumpsuit

This week was awesome! We got to keep working with our man, Keisuke, who is a way great dude. Elder Spackman and I met him last transfer, and we've been meeting with him since. He's so solid, I love this guy! We also met with our investigator named Kazu, who I went to the airbase with last week. He looks like he has a ton of potential. He told us the reason that he is learning is so he can learn about a God, and draw closer to Him. Seriously, Kazu has some of the most sincere
interest I've seen. I'm way blessed to be able to meet and learn with him.

Also, we met with President Warnick this week for interviews, so that was great. :)

One lesson I learned this week was when I was having a conversation with my ward's Bishop. He explained to me the difference between loving someone and being sweet to someone. When you love, you give the person what they need to grow and become better. When your sweet with someone, you just pat them on the back and try your best to give them what they want to make them happy. No one in this world loves more our Father and our Savior, and sometimes they give us things in our lives
that seem so hard and difficult. But, just remember to rely on Them, and they will show you exactly how every trial and hard time is for your good and benefit. I love our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and I know that they love you all.

I loved you all! Thank you for all your letters and support!

Elder Nelson

I saw Elder De Andrade again this week!

This is tsukemen, probably my favorite food in Japan. It's noddles that you take and dip in this thick broth soup stuff, and it taste so so good.

Us eating with the other Elders, a member, and our investigators. Left to right: Keisuke, Elder Jennings, Elder Mizuguchi, Elder Tree, Choyo, me, and Kazu.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Week: Coming soon to an email near you

Hello everyone! This week was way good, there was a lot of good things that happened!

We had a festival on an airbase this week. The base only opens up for anyone to walk on once a year, so there were a ton of people there. We went with an investigator named Kazu, and ate some real American food. It was so crazy being around so many English speakers. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

We held a Chinese Night at the Hachioji church. The event was run in Chinese and Japanese, and everyone who came was supposed to bring some type of food, potluck style. I thought only like 5-6 people would come, but it turns out we get close to 45 people who attended. It was a huge miracles to have everyone there, espcially since we were able to have our mission President and his wife come as well. Sister Warnick speaks Chinese, and so she was able to speak to everyone at the event and share a message with them. It was way awesome!

Elder Yamashita from our area Presidency came to this mission and spoke to us this past week, so that way awesome. I was able to learn a lot from him and from the Spirit. He spoke on a lot of things, but there are two things that I feel like I should share. 1) He was talking about asking for member referrals, and how to more effectively do that. He said we should be asking people if they know someone from one of these situations: recently had a baby, recently moved, recently had a death in the family, or recently married. That's all in PMG, but he reminded us of it. The point is, I know there are a lot l you at home who are looking for ways to share the gospel. If you are, then start with those people!

The second thing he shared was about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Essentially what he shared, and what I feel like I should share, is that the whole purpose of this life is to improve so we can return
home to our Father. Because Heavenly Father loves all of us, He gave us the Atonement to allow us to change and grow. Rely on His Son, Jesus Christ and everything can and will work out for your good!

I love you all! I hope you have a great week!

Elder Nelson

At the Airbase. Yes, Kazu is eating a meat lollipop.

The Chinese night!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Baptism and the Temple!

Hello everyone! I don't have a lot of time today because we went to the temple! It was great! Seriously, the temple is one of my favorite places. Make time to get to the temple this week. No where else on earth is quite as close to heaven and to our Father as His holy temples.

Our boy Tou got baptized! Seriously, Tou is the best. I love this guy so much. He has so much faith, he's like my idol. He is so willing to try and keep the commandments, even if he wasn't sure what would happen. But, he said he would try, and so he gave it his best, and the Lord blessed him for it. Tou is the best!

That's all I have time for, but I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Elder Spackman came back so he could baptize Tou

Tou just bein awesome

Monday, September 5, 2016

Battle Plan: Throw Sharks at 'em

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great week, because mine was really good! Here goes my best shot at summing up a week's worth of stuff what happened into a readers digest email!

I saw Elder De Andrade again! This time with pictures! Yes! He's doing great as usual!

We had an awesome Sunday this past week, we haven't had normal church for a while since we had the Sapporo temple dedication and stake conference. But! Now we're back in business. We were able to get our boys Tou San and Keisuke San, and also our recent convert Shintaro San is still putting in work and he came as well. It was great to see the work meet Tou and Keisuke and continue building their relationships with them. It was so great when they would just be sitting there and someone would come and talk with them. If you see some at church you don't know, please talk with them! It helps so much more than you know!

There was a really simple experience this past week that really stuck out to me. We were walking to the train station, and in front of us was this business man walking in the same direction. There are about a million and one business men in Tokyo, so that's pretty normal, but walking beside him is his little daughter who reaches up and they both walk together to the train station. He drops her off at the bus stop, and keeps going on. What stuck out is that the man looked exactly like every other business man, nothing really special looking about him. But I could see just by the way he was walking and going with his daughter how much he cared for her. We have no way of knowing who people are, what their hearts are like. All I do know is that they are all God's children, and they all love and deserve to be loved. Go and show someone a bit more kindness, love your family a bit more, serve a
stranger. Just go out there and love how Christ would have you live, and you will change the world.

I love you all so much! Thank you for your letters and support. You're all the best!

Elder Nelson

The one and the only, Elder De Andrade