Monday, January 25, 2016

Transfer Calls!

Hello everyone! Once again, it is that time of week where I forget everything that happened as I try to cram a weeks worth of stuff into one letter! Let's go!

One very exciting thing that is going down is transfers! I can't believe it, but another transfer has ended, and now another begins! I'm going to be staying in Atsugi, but the companionships are getting
shaken up a little bit. I'm being moved into the other Elders area and becoming District Leader. My new companion is Elder Siqueira, who has already been working with me in Atsugi, just in a different area. He's way awesome, he's from Saou Palo (I don't know how to spell anything anymore), and he's a way fun guy. I really look forward to working with him and being able to learn a lot from him. Elder Ayala is also staying in Atsugi, but he is getting a new companion named Elder Powell.

This week was Zone Meeting and it was very good. I learned a lot, but one of my favorite part was a training we received on Mosiah 2-4. I've read those chapters before, but this time was different. The Elders giving the training shared some very good insights on just how much the Savior of mankind has given for all of us, and what that sacrifice should mean for us personally. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the single most important event in everyone's lives, and the more I learn about it, the more love I feel toward Christ and our Heavenly Father. I know that they each love all of us so personally, and want nothing more than to bless each and every one of us in our lives. I want to challenge you to go and read those chapters, but don't just read them through quickly and expect immediate enlightenment. Take the time, ponder the scriptures, let the words "sink deep into your heart". I promise as you do that, Heavenly Father will speak to you through His Holy Spirit, and you will receive the answers to your prayers.

Love you all! Have another fantastic week!

Elder Nelson

PS Japan's dollar stores are way awesome. I bought three little racks to hang towels on, and I broke two of them in a matter of seconds while putting them up. Yay.
PPS But really, Japan has awesome dollar stores.
PPPS Like, there are some way nice gloves and earmuffs that are way cheap.
PPPPS And, I bought some things called Cream Pãn. I put the little ã because it means bread, and the Japanese just took the Spanish word for bread.
PPPPPS Oh yeah, so I got a six-pack of cream pãn at the dollar store. Cream pãn is very good, it's just rolls filled with pudding. They are very good!

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