Monday, January 4, 2016

Because I can't think of a title: Banana hats

This week has been way awesome! Just like always, it's been way busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

First things first, being in this new area, Atsugi, is way different than being in Fuchu for one huge reason. There are so many Spanish and English speakers. Like, it's ridiculous!  Half of our investigators don't even speak Japanese! It is so much fun! It's a way weird experience trying to teach the gospel in English, it feels a bit foreign on my tongue. But, it is in no way a bad thing. I love being
able to help people come unto Christ is two languages, and sometimes even three! (If we teach a Spanish lesson, I get to sit there just smiling and saying that I know my companions testimony is true 😄) Elder Ayala, my companion, speaks Spanish, an other Elder in my district is from Brazil and he speaks Portuguese, and a Sister in the district also speaks Spanish. In fact, about half of the zone speaks both English and Spanish/Portuguese fluently and is learning Japanese. It's way cool!

A way cool experience that happened this week is that on Sunday, in the middle of Sunday School, a member walks into class and whispers into one of the missionaries ears that there is a family of people from the Philippines in the foyer who wants to learn about the church. Turns out that they were looking for a Christian church to come to, and they found ours. So, we took that opportunity to teach them about the Restoration of Gospel of Jesus Christ! It was way awesome, and totally random, but I could see the hand of the Lord in these people's lives, I could see how much He loves them. The work is absolutely amazing!

Something that I've been thinking a lot about recently is how we can always have the Spirit of the Lord in our lives. Like, how can we get to the point where we are always being moved by personal revelation to serve the Lord and help his children? I came across Helaman 10:4-5, where the Lord is telling Nephi that He trusts him. He gives him the power to bind in heaven and on Earth. The way that Nephi received this power from God is found in those verses, but my challenge is for everyone to follow the example of Nephi. Let the Lord know that He can trust you, that when you receive a prompting from the Spirit, any personal revelation, that you will follow it immediately. The more you
show our Heavenly Father that you will follow His instructions He sends, the more you will receive. I know that as you do this, you will find a greater outpouring of the Spirit in your life, and truly become the person that God wants you to become.

I love you all! Thank you all so much for you support! Have a fantastic week!

Elder Nelson

PS Fun news, I now sleep on a futon instead of a bunk bed!
PPS We also had out Christmas conference this week. Here was a short white elephant exchange, and I got hand sanitizer! Yeah!

I'm wearing a scarf I got at a dollar store today. We had to buy bath mats for the shower, and I saw this, so I thought "Why not?".

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