Monday, November 16, 2015

What are the chances you run into someone from Provo in Tokyo?

Hello everyone! I hope you've had a great week. Like, at least a level 12 kind of week!

First things first, the coolest thing I the world happened on Saturday. Elder Brown and I were up in Chofu, a neighboring city to Fuchu, and were handing out fliers to our free English class. While I
was doing that, out of no where walks Kisho Noda! Some of you people might remember him from Provo, he did a 10 month long exchange program, so he got to know quite a few people in Timpview. Way cool miracle! We are almost never in Chofu, and he said he never walks the way he did, but we both ended up there at the right time. Heavenly Father had His Hand over us that day, making everything work out so we could meet. It was way great!

We had splits with the Zone Leaders this week, so I got to send Elder Brown off and work with Elder Jesperson for a day. He is a way great guy, and way funny. He and I did some streeting for a couple hours on our way to a potential investigators house, and met some awesome people. One kid was in high school, and had an umbrella disguised as a sword. So, you now, Japan.

There was so much rain over the past 3 days. We were biking home from Chofu, and when we got to our destination, every part of us was soaked. But, since I had the rain coat of Champions, I wasn't nearly as wet as Elder Brown. Let me say, getting rain on and having a helmet on gives you some wacky hair styles. Way fun, I was grinning like a dork the whole time because of how both cliché biking in the rain is for missionaries and just how much fun it was to be out.

This week, I was reading from the Book of Mormon, and read from the Book of Helaman. In chapter 9:4-5, the Lord says some amazing things to Nephi. I would recommend reading those verses, and ponder how you can be like Nephi, how you can be better in your life and have access to all those blessings. I know that it's helped me so far, and I will definitely keep trying to improve myself. That's what this is all about, improvement and become more like our Savior.

Love you all!
Elder Nelson

PS There are a ton of Christmas lights all over the place, pretty much the best thing ever.
PPS Much like PS, I have found the Christmas Spirit.
PPPS At McDonald's here, the have a thing called Shaka Shaka Chicken. It is amazing.

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