Monday, November 23, 2015

I'm not creative enough to make a good email title.

I hope you all had as good of a week as I did, cause that would mean you all had a fabulous week!

First off, we had stake conference! It was way good, my favorite part was they had a priesthood session which I got to go to. There were quite a few missionaries at that one, so I think they used some slightly slower, easier Japanese, but I understood a good 95% of what went on that meeting. It was way good! I can't promise that I understood a lot during the normal session of Conference when there were a ton of native Japanese speakers.... But it was good anyways! The people here in Japan are way better members than I am. Most of the talks in priesthood session focused on member missionary work, and the people in the ward are way more helpful than I ever was. So basically,
I need to pick up my slack! Member missionary work is way important! So, if you have any way you can help your local missionaries, do it! You'll make there day and hopefully move the work of the Lord further!

This week was crazy, we had three days in a row where our investigators bailed on our lessons, but rescheduled at later times in the day. It was great that we got to meet with them all, but since some rescheduled, and then came a bit late to our lessons, they overlapped with another persons lesson! So, we kept going on splits with the other Elders in our area to cover everyone. It was way stressful, but way good! Lots of going off the fly and just following the Spirit to make everything work out!

I was studying from Preach My Gospel the other day, and a way cool line jumped out at me. It says, "Heaven is a continuation of the ideal home." That made me stop and think for a while, and I noticed that everything in the gospel is there to help strengthen our family relationships and make them last into eternity. Through Christ and His atonement, we really can live together as families forever. I'm so grateful for this gospel and the happiness it brings to me!

I hope you all have a great week! Love you all! Happy Thanksgiving this week!

Elder Nelson

PS For people at Timpview, I ran into Elisa Toma at Stake Conference. Pretty cool!
PPS A little glimpse into how Japanese I am. I didn't know what to make for breakfast, so I just cooked some rice and poured milk on it. Yum.
PPPS I got to get stuffed in a train the other day. Way fun!

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