Monday, October 12, 2015

I rode a train today

Man, what a week. There has been a lot of learning and growing that went one this week. I'm lovin it! (Don't tell McDonalds)

This week I spent a lot of time on trains going places. On Tuesday, we had a zone meeting about an hour away. It was really good, we went to the park where Japan was originally dedicated for missionary service and did some training stuff. We talked a lot about some Japan specific training stuff, like simply teaching people who God and Jesus Christ are. It's really simple and I love it! Often, I've found, that the simple doctrines are the best teachers and can be the most moving. We also rode a train out again on Friday for some iPad training. I'll be getting to use Facebook soon for missionary work! I'll be posting on my wall in a couple days explaining things better, but simply put, I'm using Facebook to fellowship and find more of God's children online. So, my posts will be both in Japanese and English, so that's fun! But still, if you want to reach me, still just email me. I can read emails at any time in the week, so if you want to tell me something that day, go for it! I'll only reply on Pday, but I'll read me as they come ✌

It's finally getting a bit cold at nights now, but still really nice. The leaves are changing and some streets are looking amazing! Fall is coming! I love it!

The absolute best part of this week was getting to watch General Conference! This conference was my absolute favorite one yet! There were co many great talks that hit home for me. I tried something different this year that made all the different, I went in with several questions written down that I looked at while every speaker spoke. By doing this, every single one of my questions were answered. After all the sessions, I went through and re read all the info and rewrote everything important. It's been such a good changing experience for me.

My challenge for everyone this week is to do as so many of the speakers invited and receive spiritual confirmations from our Father and then follow those promptings. Doing this will increase your daily spiritual life and keep you nourished. Day after day of doing this, you can promise you will receive more and more light until you come
into that perfect day, and feel fully and always of a Gods love.

Love you all!
Elder Nelson

PS I ate a fish sausage. I don't recommend
PPS I've begun my Batman training. Ice cold showers to give me self control 
PPPS I ate something called shabu shabu. It's dipping meat in boiling water and then in a sauce. Shabu shabu is the sound the water makes. My preferred sauce was the raw egg. Surprise delicious!! Who knew? (Don't try it with American eggs, I think they did something to prep it so I wouldn't die)

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