Monday, October 5, 2015

A whole week has gone by?!

Man, time is flying by. I hope everyone had a great time, and is enjoying Conference! I don't get to see it here until next week, so you all get to see it before me! You lucky mongeese!

Man, so much has happened this past week. Elder Yamada and I have been hitting it pretty hard this week. We did a ton of finding activities this week, which has lead to some really cool miracles and
experiences. Firstly, though, I just want to talk about Japan and the people. The people here are so fun! Like, I'll be walking down the street and see this Japanese man walking the other direction. He will glance up, see a huge white guy smiling at him and walking straight at him, and he will do one of two things. One, he's put his hand up, like he's trying to use the force to stop you, and then you kind of just let him go by, because they won't stop and listen to you. But, they might be to scared to do that to a big guy like me, so in their moment of confused silence, I jump and and start talking! I've talked with some great people, so less interested than others, but still having a blast anyways.

So, this place. I'm in a really urban area, so I'm always on the streets and sidewalks. I love it! It's really cool seeing all these building tower over you on all sides and walking by literally thousands of people each day. I do really miss seeing the mountains from home, but hey, that's just something that I'll get used to. Buy, the weather is perfect right now here, with everything being a mild 70ish degrees and it's not too humid. The rain has only fallen a couple times, but when it has I've loved it. The only downer is it's hard to talk to people in the rain, but otherwise it's still super cool.

One of the biggest miracles that happened this week happened while Elder Yamada and I were out trying to contact a potential investigator. We didn't find iim, but a less active lady stopped us
and talked to us for a while. We talked and eventually set up a teaching appointment with her and her non-member husband. It went really well, and we're going to hopefully continue meeting her. It's
just amazing to both of us that she stopped and talked to us in the first place. She must have listened to the Spirit and really made a turning point in her life.

One spiritual thought that I want to leave is that God loves everyone. Here in Japan, many people have never heard of God or Jesus Christ, or have very different versions of who they are. So, something that we're trying to really focus on God's and Christ's character while we teach.
Who they are, what's they want from us, and why it matters to us. And everything that I study always points back to the fact that God loves us, so deeply and intently. He weeps with us in our trials and
rejoices in our victories. Try to keep Him in mind this week as you go along with your day to day life and really focus on how much you love Him and how you an show that love by serving those around you.

Love you all!
Elder Nelson

PS There was a wind storm that hit while we were biking, and it was blowing us all over and throwing trash in the streets. It was so fun! I had this big huge dorky grin on my face the whole time.
PPS If anyone tells you you can't learn the mission language in the MTC, they be dang wrong. You won't be fluent, but I can stand as a witness that you can talk with the people, you just have to try your hardest in the MTC and rely on the Gift of Tongues.
PPPS If you thought Frozen was big in America, you ain't seen nothing yet. People here love it. I see Frozen stuff all the time, and that movie has been out for almost two years.
PPPPS I keep eating weird food and liking it. It's strange.

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