Friday, August 14, 2015

Week Three: Done-zo

Hey everyone!

This week has been so much better than last week. The language is actually coming along really well. My sensei got me all set up with a better studying method, so now I'm learning a lot faster. All our lessons are much better now more than ever. We've found that focusing on the Spirit and the investigators needs makes the lesson flow much easier than just focusing on what I can and can't understand in Japanese. When I don't focus on the language, things roll along much smoother and the Japanese comes much easier. Funny, huh? The Gift of Tongues is legit a thing, and it really helps with teaching and learning.

The best part about being in the MTC is how the Spirit is always here. Literally everywhere you look there are people praying in groups, companionships, or solo. And for the most part, people are being reverent and doing things that invite the Spirit. Being in this atmosphere is wonderful, and it really makes you want to be a better person. Which reminds me of something my sensei taught the class. It was all about going back through Preach my Gospel and really learning everything. Learn it to the point where you are passionate about it and want to share it with everyone. I'm tryign to go through and learn all about Christ-like attributes and working to gain them. So this is my thought for the week. Pray for and learn to gain charity, the pure love of Christ. Pray to gain Christ's love for other people, so you don't even focus on yourself and instead love and help everyone else around you. I can testify that that will make all the difference in the world.

I love you all!
Elder Nelson

PS I got to host new missionaries on Wednesday. It was way fun, and it reminds me of my first day. It feels both super recent and also like a lifetime ago. Strange feeling

PPS Apparently eating vegetables and stuff like you healthy, and it makes working out more effective. I wish someone would have told me that before I came in here.

PPPS Looking back, last weeks letter sounds kinda whiney. Don't listen to last week Joseph, he's a stinker. We won't talk about him. This weeks version is totes better

Elder Nelson's mom here: Elder Nelson had his haircut by my friend at the MTC barbershop this week.  She sent this picture.

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