Thursday, August 20, 2015

That is one February length month down

Hey everybody!

How's everyone doing? School has started up for a lot of you, so that's awesome! I'm praying for you, both the Timpview kids and whatever colleges you all are heading out to! I bet that you'll have an amazing year of school. Just rely on the Lord and He can turn any trial you have into the greatest blessing of your life!

This week has had a lot of amazing things happen. Firstly, our Sunday Evening Devotional was different than normal, we had the Nashville Tribute Band come and play for us. I've been told that they have some less spiritual songs, but the ones that they played for us really brought the Spirit. We (the choir) got to sings along with two of the songs, John's Song and I Was Born. It was honestly so amazing and so much fun.

On Tuesday we had a speaker named Elder Echo Hawk and his wife come speak. They both gave awesome talks; Sister Echo Hawk spoke on how being good enough is now, and never was, good enough. We really have to strive to be perfect in our discipleship towards Christ. It's not just enough to have a testimony that the gospel is true, we have to become converted. Elder Echo Hawk spoke and said we must make good and correct choices from the beginning, so that when difficult or dangerous choices roll along, we will be ready and know what we should do. He also shared that we have no idea the eternal impact each and every one of us has. Probably the best Tuesday devotional I've had all week.

Ok, so I probably had the most spiritual experience of the my MTC stay so far yesterday evening. Our teacher, Brother Panganiban, told us about his life story, about his challenges and fears, and then told us to use our divine gift as missionaries to teach him and help him feel the Spirit. The Spirit in the room was incredibly strong as 11 missionaries tried with all of their might to help and teach someone they loved. We all felt such charity for him and earnestly wanted to help him. Brother Panganiban told us, when we finished, that this is how teaching investigators should feel. So this is my challenge. Love everyone. Try to sincerely feel that charity that God has promised to his children, and let that make the biggest change in your life. You will not regret it.

I love you all!
Elder Nelson

PS Divine Swagger: Knowing that God is on your side, so you walk around that you can do anything
PPS I have discovered that Japanese Rap is super legit.
PPPS The water in the MTC comes from two places, the sub-arctic tundra and Mordor. It's either ice water or it will melt your skin off, no in between room.

Blue Tie Tuesday

Elder Means and Elder Nelson
(great friends from high school, both going to Japan but in different missions)

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