Monday, June 5, 2017


Hello everyone! I hope that you have all had a wonderful week. I can't believe that it is already June! Like, that's 6 months into 2017. I thought that is was February like a week ago.

We had a way good activity this past week called Polynesian Night, where a ton of missionaries from Polynesia put on an activity where they taught about their culture and family history. They bore a lot of testimony on how the church has blessed there family. It was a really fun event, and we had lots of potential and new investigators come. Also, at the end, they did the haka, which I'll attach.

We taught a lesson with our boy, Tomoya Kun. We talked about God, and something that we felt inspired to share was about how all of us are children of God. That is one of the coolest things ever! God loves you, and has prepared a way for you to be happy in this life, and for all eternity. I was able to feel the truth of that as we taught, and I am so grateful to be able to know that. I love the gospel!

Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

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