Saturday, June 24, 2017

I love the rain!

Hello everyone! I have given up on trying to have clever introductions to these emails, so I'm just going to start talking about the week. Here goes!

This week was amazing! We were about to get out and work a lot, even on days were it was pouring rain. On Wednesday, there was so much rain and wind. But, we went out and tried talking to this guy that was walking past the front of the church, and we were able to stop, talking, and eventually just decide to talk more in the church. So, we went inside, gave a church tour, and taught about the Restoration. I went really well, even though he decided not to continue to meet and learn more, I know that God put him in our path so that we could teach him. Blessings!

We also had Zone Conference! We focused on the role of the Book of Mormon in conversion. I loved it, I was able to feel the Spirit bear testimony to me about the divinity of the Book of Mormon. One of my favorite parts was when President just let the missionaries have some free time to stand and share experience that they and investigators have had with the Book of Mormon. I want to keep improve my ability to share this book, and help everyone read from it. I'll keep working harder to do just that!

Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

We also got to Skype with the one and only Elders in Yamato!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Transfer week!

It has been one crazy week, we had transfer come up, and everything that goes along with that. Lots of fun, lots of work!

We've seen a ton of miracles this week, new investigators have been coming out of the wood work. Its cool to see the Lord's timing on certain things, there have been some people that we met over a month ago who are now just starting to meet up, but they look really solid. We got to talk to a guy we met on the street over a month ago on the phone, and we set up a time to meet tonight. He said he would bring some friends so that they could learn about Jesus Christ. Looking forward to that!

We had a way good lesson with an awesome couple we met on the street a bit ago. They were way open to the message of the Restoration. The man said he had been wondering which church was true. He always has know the Bible was true, but he was never sure about his own church, so he is so excited to hear that he could pray and know if the Book of Mormon. We are excited and praying about them! The Lord knows and loves His children!

Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

We had lunch. It was good.

Monday, June 12, 2017

🇳🇿 🇳🇿 (On my phone these are British flags)

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoy this beautiful June! A lot stuff went on this week, but of course, Elder Nelson is gonna be lame and only write a little bit. As always. Sorry! Time is always such a killer! And writing is hard. But enough excuses, I just write my email now.

We had a fun ward activity this past week that included a cooking contest. The theme was "Meat", and so we made beef sushi. The member we worked with went all out and bought this way expansive beef, so it tasted soooo good. Lots of fun!

Also, I got a new companion! His name is Elder Hemi, he's from New Zealand, but was raised in Japan until he was about 13 years old, so his Japanese and English are perfect. It's been way fun working with him so far, and I look forward to working with him even more. He's a killer missionary, so this should be a good transfer!

One thing that I learned a lot about this week was the power of prayer. There were several times this past week where I had no idea what to do, or how to best accomplish God's will, but I prayed and
almost immediately received help and guidance in ways I'd never have expected. Like, we were waiting for a new investigator to show up to an appointment, but he never came, and I said a silent prayer about what we should do. Almost immediately there was this way cool kid who just came up to us and started talked. We should be meeting with him sometimes this next week! I know that God answers prayers and that He loves His children!

Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Ward party sushi

Elder Hemi ft. p-day guitar

Ward party sushi

Monday, June 5, 2017


Hello everyone! I hope that you have all had a wonderful week. I can't believe that it is already June! Like, that's 6 months into 2017. I thought that is was February like a week ago.

We had a way good activity this past week called Polynesian Night, where a ton of missionaries from Polynesia put on an activity where they taught about their culture and family history. They bore a lot of testimony on how the church has blessed there family. It was a really fun event, and we had lots of potential and new investigators come. Also, at the end, they did the haka, which I'll attach.

We taught a lesson with our boy, Tomoya Kun. We talked about God, and something that we felt inspired to share was about how all of us are children of God. That is one of the coolest things ever! God loves you, and has prepared a way for you to be happy in this life, and for all eternity. I was able to feel the truth of that as we taught, and I am so grateful to be able to know that. I love the gospel!

Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson