Saturday, May 6, 2017

Short sleeve season is here.

The spring has come, and with it, short sleeves. I love the hot weather that we have in Tokyo, and getting to wear short sleeves with it makes it all the better. Tender mercies!

This week went so so so so fast! It was transfer week, so we met with the new missionaries and the returning missionaries. It's always a wonderful experience getting to work with everyone. One really cool experience was getting to work with a new missionaries who hadn't been to the MTC yet, his mission is supposed to be in California, but he is waiting on his visa, so he is temporarily severing here. I got to proselyte with him for a bit, and it just astounded me how much he could do. He had never really been trained on anything, but we went out and he was just on fire. I asked him why he could do what he did, and he said that he just tried to follow the Spirit. A great lesson in humility and relying on the Lord in this work.

We met with our friend, Niina, this week. He has now finished reading all of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and is working his way through the Book of Mormon. It was really cool to see what the scriptures were doing for him, he said when he had finished reading the Doctrine and Covenants, all of his questions had been answered. We taught him about the importance of prayer, in not just knowing the gospel, but really feeling the Spirit and knowing it in your heart as well. I could feel the Spirit in that lesson. God cares for all of his children!

I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

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