Saturday, March 25, 2017

If your hotdog is cold, does it become a normal dog?

This was a great week! Really busy, but a lot great things happened!

I got my Japanese drivers license this week! Elder Battaglia did all of the driving in our  companionship last transfer, but he's left now, so I get to do it. Pretty exciting!

It was transfer week, so we welcomed into the mission new missionaries, and worked with them for a couple days. It amazes me just how much people are prepared and blessed just in the small time that they are in the MTC. I feel so blessed to be able to see the new missionaries and all of the hope and excitement that they have for the work. I know that Heavenly Father will take their efforts and perform miracles through them.

I love this work, and I love the opportinuty to be a missionary in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's service. I hope that you all have a wonderful week!

Elder Nelson

Also, thank you all for the birthday wishes! They mean a lot!

Taking the new missionaries out to eat tsukemen for the first time.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Elder Choi

Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a great week, this week was a very busy one, but so many good things happened!

We had one cool miracle happen on Saturday. Elder Battaglia visited a less active who lived near the church about 3 months ago, but we haven't been able to meet with him since that time until yesterday. He was baptized over 5 years ago, and has been less-active for a large part of that time. However, he still considers himself a member of the church, and we were able to meet him at the church on Saturday to have a lesson. It was the first time he had been there in many, many years, and I believe that he was able to feel the Spirit while we were talking with him. Another example to me of how the Lord never gives up on His children!

The reason that this week was so busy was because Elder Choi from the Area Presidency visited our mission! He spoke on a lot of different things, but one thing that impressed me so much was how the Spirit works with him, and in a broader sense of things, how much the Spirit works with all of God's servants. Elder Choi gave two conferences, both of which were very different, but both were exactly what each specific audience needed. He followed the Spirit and talked about what he felt like he should talk about, and gave some amazing training. It was a great experience!

I hope you all have a great week! It's starting to warm up here, and I'm excited for the cherry blossoms that will be blooming in the week or so!

Love you all!

Elder Nelson

PS Also, Elder Battaglia is transferring this week and my new companion is Elder Ishikawa. He's a stud.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

( ◠‿◠ )

Hello everyone! I hope that everything is going well for all of you. This has been a great week here, I'm sorry that this email is going to be shorter, we went to the temple today and had several things that came up, so I don't have a lot of time.

We had a way awesome lesson with a kid named Yoshi last week! We taught about repentance, and the blessing that it is in each of our lives. He seemed way excited to try it out, and has been praying and read from the Book of Mormon since. We should meet with him again tomorrow, so I'm way pumped for that!

The temple was awesome! It always is a special experience for me going there. I'm am extremely grateful for the fact that I get to attend so frequently, it has been such an amazing blessing for me and my mission. The Lord gives personal instruction to each of His children in His house.

Sorry for the short letter, I don't have a lot of time. Love you all, have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Blue berry!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a good day! I can't believe that's it's already March!

I don't have a ton of time today, we are running out the door right now, but I'll try and get an email sent out now. We had dinner with a Chinese family this week, and let me tell you, Chinese food is so so spicy! Like, I didn't have that image at all before my mission, but now I realize that they love spicy food. It's not spicy like Mexican food, Chinese spicy is a very spicy oil. I was dying, but it was really really good! I had cow stomach and pig ear for the first time.

We had a lesson and used the verse in 1 Nephi 11, talking about how we don't know everything, but we can know that God loves us. If we remember that, I know that we can do anything that the Lord asks of us!

I love you all! Have great week!

Elder Nelson