Monday, January 2, 2017

あけましておめでとう 🎉

Hello everyone, Happy New Year! I hope you were all able to have a fun, safe weekend. I had an awesome one, there were so many good experiences, especially over the weekend. Great week!

We met a guy from China named Otakugen (maybe, I don't know how to spell his name in Chinese), and had a really good discussion at his door. We were able to set up an appointment for the next day, and sit down and talk about who God is. He didn't believe in God, and had no Christian background, but one super cool thing that happened was when we shared a scripture from the Book of Mormon, Moroni 7:41. His whole demeanor changed, and just sat there silently for a bit thinking. I know he felt the Spirit, and I really hope and pray that he can learn to accept and take in this message!

We had a mochitsuki, which is where you hit rice with a hammer until it turns into a paste. I'll attach pictures!

In sacrament meeting, I was asked to speak about missionary work. I shared from Moroni 10:3, talking about how we are so blessed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Especially during this time of New Years, as we ponder ago the past year and make goals for the coming, we would all benefit from pondering how the Lord has blessed our lives. The blessings we all receive rare so many, and they all come from our Father who loves us. I also shared Mosiah 28:3, talking about since we have been blessed so much, we too should strive to be a blessing. I would encourage all of you who have been blessed with this gospel to share those blessings with your brothers and sisters. As you do, our Father will see your efforts and will bless you life.

Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

The mochitsuki

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