Monday, January 30, 2017

Zee Weekly Email~

Hello everyone! I know I said the emails were going to be on Saturday, but this weekend was really busy, so things got moved to Monday. So, here we are!

Saturday was Chinese New Year, and so to celebrate, we held a Chinese activity. We were expecting around 30 people to come, but when it actually happened, there were over 100 people who came. It was a way good activity, lots of fun and I got to meet several investigators and potential investigators there. And, best of all, I got to be part of the dragon dance! I'll try and attach some videos.

One thing that has been more and more meaningful to me this week has been prayer. I know that each and everyone person can pray to God and receive personalize instruction from Him. If you ask, He will be more than pleased to teach you through His Spirit. He loves you, and as you live the Gospel of Jesus Christ, He can help you every step of the way.

Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Also, these are my companions right now. Elder Battaglia is on the left, and Elder Matsumoto on the right. Elder Matsumoto finishes his mission soon, so I'm coming in, being trained by him, and then he heads out!

Courtesy of Elder DeAndrade: Elder Nelson, Sister Toma and me! Crazy how all 3 of us went to
Timpview(we've got classmates scattered all over Japan too) and get to
serve the Lord!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Surprise Saturday email!

Hello everyone! This one is rolling around on Saturday, and from her on out it should be on Saturday. The reason why is that I've been transferring to be in the mission office as an assistant to President
Warnick. So, from here I should be emailing on Saturdays!

Don't have a ton of time today, I just transferred in an hour or two ago, but I'll try and get some stuff down!

Zone Conference happened!

This is our investigator, Peter. He's way awesome!

This is some way good curry stuff. They cook it for like 16 hours, and its way good. You can even eat the bone

Alright, I hope you all have a great week! Love you all!

Elder Nelson

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

If you tape a rubber ducky to a shark, is it less scary?

Hello! We got to attend the temple this week, so emails are rolling out on Tuesday. We had a way good week!

First! I have a request. Everyone, send me your favorite pictures of Christ! I want some new ones, cause I've just been looking at the same ones for a while now, so if you have anything that you like, please send them my way!

This week, we found a way cool guy named Peter. He's from China, but his American name is Peter, so that's what we call him. He's way cool, he speaks fluent Chinese, Japanese, and English. He came to the church for the first time on Sunday. He missed Sacrament meeting, but came after and was able to meet a ton of members who were so good about coming up and talking to him.  He said it felt just like a big family. And then, we were giving a tour of the church, and we came to a picture of Joseph Smith's first vision. He just stopped and stared at it. He explained to us that he felt so many things that he had never felt before. We were able to teach and God and the Restoration through Joseph Smith. It was so awesome. Peter is the best!

We got to go to the temple today! I love the temple! I know that any time you want to feel closer to God, to receive guidance, or just to have more peace in your life, you can go to the temple and receive just that. I am so grateful for the blessing of being able to attend the temple so regularly.

Have a great week! Love you all!

Elder Nelson

The temple pic.

The zone Meeting pic.

We biked up a ridiculous hill this week. I dropped the bike into 1 1, and I still barely made it over. We took pictures, but they do not do that hill justice at all.

Monday, January 9, 2017

I never know what title to do.

Hello everyone! It sounds like there is some crazy weather at home, so I hope you are all staying nice and warm!

There were a lot of great experiences that came out of this week, one that was pretty fun was we were streeting around the train station by the church, and it was getting pretty late, and we were about to head home for the evening. But! We stopped and talked to two pretty cool kids who were kinda drunken. And by kinda drunken I mean really drunken. It was a funny conversation, but they took a Book of Mormon. I was just laughing the whole time after that contact, and I told Elder Burnham that "this experience is goi in my week letter", so here we are.

I got to go in splits with Elder De Andrade for a couple hours this week! It was way good, and we got to talk to this young couple who were on a date. They were so nice, and we could all feel the Spirit, especially when Elder De Andrade bore his testimony on the Book of Mormon. They both took one and seemed so excited to read it. The dude we were with just kept saying how this was a "一期一会", which pretty means a once in a lifetime encounter. They were so awesome, and it was wonderful to see the hand of the Lord guiding our efforts. I love this work!

Love you all! I hope you all have a great week!

Elder Nelson
 Some kids Elder Burnham and I streeted into

I had tsukemen again. Yes!

A way blurry blurry photo of those two people we streeted into.

Elder Pierce, Elder Ota, Elder Hall, Elder Jones, Elder Burnham, and ˽!

Monday, January 2, 2017

あけましておめでとう 🎉

Hello everyone, Happy New Year! I hope you were all able to have a fun, safe weekend. I had an awesome one, there were so many good experiences, especially over the weekend. Great week!

We met a guy from China named Otakugen (maybe, I don't know how to spell his name in Chinese), and had a really good discussion at his door. We were able to set up an appointment for the next day, and sit down and talk about who God is. He didn't believe in God, and had no Christian background, but one super cool thing that happened was when we shared a scripture from the Book of Mormon, Moroni 7:41. His whole demeanor changed, and just sat there silently for a bit thinking. I know he felt the Spirit, and I really hope and pray that he can learn to accept and take in this message!

We had a mochitsuki, which is where you hit rice with a hammer until it turns into a paste. I'll attach pictures!

In sacrament meeting, I was asked to speak about missionary work. I shared from Moroni 10:3, talking about how we are so blessed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Especially during this time of New Years, as we ponder ago the past year and make goals for the coming, we would all benefit from pondering how the Lord has blessed our lives. The blessings we all receive rare so many, and they all come from our Father who loves us. I also shared Mosiah 28:3, talking about since we have been blessed so much, we too should strive to be a blessing. I would encourage all of you who have been blessed with this gospel to share those blessings with your brothers and sisters. As you do, our Father will see your efforts and will bless you life.

Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

The mochitsuki