Monday, December 19, 2016

I love Christmas!

Hello everyone! It has been a great week here in Kanagawa! Elder Burnham and I are having a way good time here, and have seen a ton of miracles and had some many tender mercies poured out upon us.

One of those blessings was that our man Watanabe San got baptized! Watanabe San is the greatest. We met him at our English class about 3 weeks ago, and got talking to him. We set up a lesson with him, went to church with him on Sunday, and invited him to be baptize in our lesson after church. He said he would have to think about it, and went home. Well, he called us on Tuesday, and said something along the lines of, "So like, I wanna, ya know, get baptized. I was thinking about baptism, and then the Holy Ghost came into my mind and said 'Be baptized.' So, how can I do that?" That was about two weeks ago, and he got baptized just this weekend. Huge miracles!

We got to go to the temple on Tuesday last week, right before transfers. As always, it was a very wonderful experience. I went to the temple this time with some questions on my mind that I needed help from God to answer. As I went through the temple, and pondered about my question, I received an answer that I know is from God. I know that Heavenly Father gives direction specifically for each of His children, and that you can always turn to Him in prayer.

I love you all! Have the best Christmas ever!

Elder Nelson

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