Monday, December 26, 2016

We had Christmas!

Hey, so I Skyped my family today, so I'm just gonna send out some pictures now. Thank you all! Love you tons!

Elder Nelson

Love you all!!

A cool kid we met at the train station

Getting Indo Curry with our boy, Brother Watanabe

Christmas Eve dinner at our friends, the Ito family
The Christmas tree.

This is the hills and the stairs leading up to our apartment.  We get to bike that daily!  Boom.  Big legs.

Monday, December 19, 2016

I love Christmas!

Hello everyone! It has been a great week here in Kanagawa! Elder Burnham and I are having a way good time here, and have seen a ton of miracles and had some many tender mercies poured out upon us.

One of those blessings was that our man Watanabe San got baptized! Watanabe San is the greatest. We met him at our English class about 3 weeks ago, and got talking to him. We set up a lesson with him, went to church with him on Sunday, and invited him to be baptize in our lesson after church. He said he would have to think about it, and went home. Well, he called us on Tuesday, and said something along the lines of, "So like, I wanna, ya know, get baptized. I was thinking about baptism, and then the Holy Ghost came into my mind and said 'Be baptized.' So, how can I do that?" That was about two weeks ago, and he got baptized just this weekend. Huge miracles!

We got to go to the temple on Tuesday last week, right before transfers. As always, it was a very wonderful experience. I went to the temple this time with some questions on my mind that I needed help from God to answer. As I went through the temple, and pondered about my question, I received an answer that I know is from God. I know that Heavenly Father gives direction specifically for each of His children, and that you can always turn to Him in prayer.

I love you all! Have the best Christmas ever!

Elder Nelson

Monday, December 12, 2016

The boys are back

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful little December! If you can, go do some sledding or something! Enjoy the Christmas Spirit!

Because Christmas is in just a couple weeks, this transfer is cut short, and the next one is going to be extra long. But! This transfer, I'm staying in Kanagawa, and my new companion is... Elder Burnham! That's right, the MTC companions are back! We're both way pumped, and I know that this transfer is going to be a really good one!

I had several experiences this week that taught me a great lesson about the Holy Ghost. I won't go into detail, but I had felt several times to do something. I did it occasionally, but not nearly as much as I should have. I didn't think it would matter all that much, but this past week Heavenly Father let me see what I had been feeling what I had felt. I can testify that God gives us individual guidance through His Holy Spirit, and as we follow that, we will be blessed, even if we don't understand exactly the why of those prompting. I promise that as you follow those prompting, the blessing will come.

I love you all! Have a great week! Drink some hot chocolate, listen to a Christmas song, and share the new Christmas video with everyone. Love you all!

Elder Nelson

The zone after our zone meeting

Monday, December 5, 2016

This message has no subject. Do you want to send it anyways?

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a very good December! Everyone! Get into the Christmas Spirit!! If you haven't seen the new Christmas video put out by the Church, go look it up! It's so good!

We had some splits this week, on Wednesday we were with Elder Konno and Elder Talbot. We taught several lesson over the split, and had some great finding time. We met with our boy Watanabe San this week, and we were able to teach about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He's so willing to hear what we have to share about Christ, especially about the atonement and repentance. He's been progressing really well this past week, so that's been a huge blessing.

We met with this kid this week and were able to share a really simple message about who God is and who Jesus Christ is. He was way humble and just took in so much, that was a miracle in and of itself, but as we were talking we were able to share the video, "Because of Him", which is about what Christ has done for us. One of the sweetest feelings filled the room as we watched that video, and then as we shared our testimonies and feelings for the Savior. Jesus Christ lives, and He cares so much for each of you.

I love you all! Have a great Christmas season!

Elder Nelson

Early Saturday morning to play soccer with the ward

Elder Talbot and Elder Konno with us on splits

Elder Molen, Elder Spackman, me at MLC. Elder Spackman ends his
mission next week, so this was probably was the last time I'd get to
see him.