Monday, July 11, 2016

Transfers! And Enoshima!

Hello everyone! I hoped us are all having a wonder 7/11 day! Japan has more 7/11s in one street corner than I ever saw in Utah, so that's fun! But! We don't have Slurpees, so go out and drink some of that sweetness for me!

We got transfer calls this week, I'm going to be transferring to Hachioji as zone leader of the Machida West zone. My companion will be Elder Spackman. I'm really excited!

We went to Enoshima today, which is a really cool island. Look it up, it's really cool! But, because of that, I have like zero times! Sorry!

I know this Church is true and the Savior lives! I love you all! Probably more pictures next week!

Elder Nelson

This is called Doctor Fish. Fish eat all the dead skin off your feet.

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