Monday, May 2, 2016


Hello everyone! How are you doing? I love hearing from all of you, thank you so much for your letters and your love!

This week was really good, Elder Dana and I are having an amazing time. Elder Dana is such a great missionary, and I'm blessed to be able to learn from him everyday. I have a lot to learn, so I'm so glad
for the chance I have to work with him. We're teaching a man named Suzuki San, who is seriously one of my favorite people ever. He is way nice and just so willing to learn, and it has been a privilege to teach him. Sometimes teaching him is like teaching a little child, he just doesn't know so many things, everything we teach is just so foreign and new. But, as we teach him, it fortifies in my mind the principle that Christ taught about becoming as a little child. I know they when  we are humble and teachable, just like Suzuki San, we truly can have the hand of the Lord in our lives.

You are all wonderful! Sorry this letter is short, but times keeps slipping away. Sorry! Love you all!

Elder Nelson

Some nice people we talked to in a train station.

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