Monday, May 30, 2016

This week! In text form!

Hello everyone! I don't have a lot of time today, but I'll try my best!

This week we got transfer calls, and it looks like I'll be staying in Fujisawa, but my new companion will be Elder Clark. I've seen a Elder Clark around for a bit, so I'm excited to be working with him from here on out!

This week had one of the most spiritual experiences on my mission so far. We were teaching out English class on Thursday, a man walks into the building. We think he's just a student coming for English, but we got talking to him and he had some major interest in the gospel. So, we walked with him and sat down in the chapel, and began to talk. It wasn't even a couple minutes before he broke down and start telling us about all of the problems he was facing, and how his life was in shambles. He was facing emotional issues and a family who needed his support, and he felt like he couldn't give them. Crying, he asked us if there was any way for him to be helped. We are so lucky in this church to have the truth we have. We never need feel alone or unloved in our lives, because we know who our Father is, and we know how to be strengthened by Christ's atonement. Elder Dana and I were blessed with the opportunity to bear our testimony of the reality of a loving Father, and show our new friend how to access the wonders of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Spirit was so strong as it filled the whole chapel, and we could feel God's love so strongly.

I love this work, and I love you all. Have a great week!

Elder Nelson
The Zone!

My lunch. Rice. Baby banana. Ramen with a raw egg on top.

Monday, May 23, 2016


Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing wonderful, because that's what it's all about! Also, shout out to all of the people graduating this week! Good luck!

We had two birthdays in our district! We celebrated by eating cake and eating Mexican food, because two of the missionaries here are from Mexico. It was great, and way yummy! Shout out to Elder Johnson and Sister Hart for leveling up this week!

This week I was able to go on exchanged with missionaries from the Odawara are and the Shonan area. It was great being able to go out with some other missionaries and see how others work. I definitely learned a lot, and we saw a lot of miracles. The biggest one was on Monday evening, while on one exchange, we found an investigator who seems way cool. His name is Yudai, and he is way cool. Then, while on the other exchange, I got to teach him again, but with a different missionary. It was way good, Yudai is such a great person! He's way cool, he just started college and is living away from home. I'm so glad we can meet with him and help him the best we can, by giving him
the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because nothing else will help him more in this part of his life than this gospel. I know that this church is Christ church, and that all who follow Him can be guided and aided in everything they do!

I hope you all have a great week! Love you all! Enjoy summer vacation!

Elder Nelson

Our man Yudai off to the right 

Monday, May 16, 2016

The week!

Hello everyone! This has been a crazy week, so much happened!

This week we had splits with the Assistants, so went went up to work with them for a day. It was great, the Elder I was working with is named Elder Richardson, who is just an awesome example of hard work and dedication. We had a great split, during which we got to teach an investigators from China named Boyka. He is so cool, he has so much faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and he is so ready to make commitments and strive to follow the Savior. He was so humble, and it was a pleasure to teach him.

We met and taught a way cool kid named Motoki this week. His name has way weird kanji, which are the letters that Japanese people spell with. They are kind of like hieroglyphics, so each letter mans
something. His name was given to him by his pastor, and it literally means "Hope in Christ". He is such a perfect example of someone who desires to follow God, and is searching for the truth. I know that Motoki, along with the rest of us, has so much to gain from reading the Book of Mormon. As we gain a testimony of this book, our lives will change, and we truly will become like Christ.

I love you all! I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Elder Nelson

We had dinner with a couple of investigators and members this week
The crew

Elder Dana, Suzuki, and me

Monday, May 9, 2016

I Skyped so..... Probably only pictures today

Love you all!
Elder Nelson

Zone Conference!

Teaching repentance!

Gyoza party!

Suzuki San and Brother Ryu!

Suzuki San and Elder Johnson making a cameo

Elder Christensen being cute

Monday, May 2, 2016


Hello everyone! How are you doing? I love hearing from all of you, thank you so much for your letters and your love!

This week was really good, Elder Dana and I are having an amazing time. Elder Dana is such a great missionary, and I'm blessed to be able to learn from him everyday. I have a lot to learn, so I'm so glad
for the chance I have to work with him. We're teaching a man named Suzuki San, who is seriously one of my favorite people ever. He is way nice and just so willing to learn, and it has been a privilege to teach him. Sometimes teaching him is like teaching a little child, he just doesn't know so many things, everything we teach is just so foreign and new. But, as we teach him, it fortifies in my mind the principle that Christ taught about becoming as a little child. I know they when  we are humble and teachable, just like Suzuki San, we truly can have the hand of the Lord in our lives.

You are all wonderful! Sorry this letter is short, but times keeps slipping away. Sorry! Love you all!

Elder Nelson

Some nice people we talked to in a train station.