Monday, March 21, 2016

Subject: Email I want to send.

This week has been one of the busiest weeks I've ever done so far, and let me tell you, it was one of the best weeks from my whole mission so far!

Elder Dowdle and I have had some great experiences this past week, one of them being that we were walking and talking with people in front of a train station, and we see this group of maybe 35 college kids just standing around. So, we walk up to about 5 of them and start talking. They had had just a little too much to drink that night, me thinks. While we were talking with them, more and more of the college kids joined into our circle, until there were about 17 kids all talking to us. They asked our ages, and we asked them to guess, and after guesses being around 25ish (Japanese people always think Americans look older than they really are), we told them we were 18. They just lost it. Probably one of the loudest moments I've had in my life, just all these college kids screaming in the night in the middle of a train station. So, that was pretty fun!

This week, we've ran into several people who have had pretty much the same question: Why bother with Christianity, or religion in general? They all think that Christ had some good teachings, but didn't believe anything past that. We have had the amazing privilege to stand and tell them just why Christ is important, that He is the Living Son of the Living God, and that because of Him, all mankind will live again. Because of Him all of our sorrows, all of our griefs, all of our fears, can melt away, and be replaced with a perfect peace and love. Because of Him, all will live again, and can return to live with our Father. Because of Him, all that is wrong will be made right. So many people in this world don't know this one simple truth, that through faith and obedience of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, all mankind can be saved. So, go be that light that God needs you to be. Go and stand as an example, and be the instrument in God's hand in bring many unto Him. I can promise you will be aided and guided by the Holy Ghost, who will comfort and guide us on our journey through this life.

I love you all! Have a fantastic week!

Elder Nelson

Zone Meeting!

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