Monday, February 29, 2016

(no subject)

This week was way good, lots of great learning opportunities and experiences!

This week we had a way fun activity with some potential investigators and some ward members. It was called Wakuwaku Cooking, which means "excitedly" cooking. We made some bread things with stuff put in them! Ok, so that description was horrible, but I'll put pictures. It was way delicious!

On Sunday night, got a call from someone asking us if we could go and visit an investigator that evening, because they needed to meet the missionaries that night, and were busy every other day for the rest of the week. So, we gear up from where we were, and get biking. And then the rain. And then the hills. And sometimes rainy hills. But! It was probably one of my favorite experiences I've had in a long while. While biking, I don't have to think super intensely about what's going on, so I got some great time alone with just my thoughts, nature, and God. I know that everything that our Heavenly Father puts in our path is exactly what we need, whether that be a rainy night, a beautiful sunrise, an evening of heartbreak, or the feeling of greatest triumph. Everything that happens is for your good, if you let it bring you closer to God. That is a lesson I keep learning over and over again. Just when I think I've learned enough, or I'm finally to a good point, Heavenly Father reminds me that I've got a long way to go. But, I know that as we humble ourselves, rely on the Savior, and turn to our Father, we truly can grow from our experiences, until the perfect day comes, and the King calls, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."

I love you all! I hope you have a great week!

Elder Nelson

The cooking stuff!

Making bread featuring the craziest kid in the Eastern hemispheres 

Bread things!

Met this way cool old man who dyed his hair pink

A cool kid we met this week! I say kid, but he is actually older than I am, but whatever!

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