Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Another Temple Day!

Man, it feels like just yesterday that I went to the temple in Japan for the first time, and now it's time to go again. Time has really flown this transfer, that is for sure! The temple was awesome today! I mean, it's always awesome, but today was great. It might have something to do with getting to go a lot less frequently than when I was at home, or now just being a missionary makes the temple better, but going to the temple now is a wonderful, spiritual experience. If you live in a place where you can attend the temple regularly, I would highly recommend it! It will bless you life a ton, I can promise that!

There was a really cool experience that happened this week. Elder Brown and I had taught this man on Monday evening, we listened to our message and took a Book of Mormon, and we thought he was interested. Turns out, he's not really and his family is pretty against him meeting us. We talked on the phone for about an hour on Tuesday and Wednesday night, resolving is concerns and stuff, but he still wasn't all that into it, so we just said we'd give him some time. But, while while Elder Takahashi and I (we were on splits) were waiting at church for a different investigator, the uninterested man's sister walks in, wanting to return the Book of Mormon. Well, we weren't just going take that lying down, so we're started talking, and eventually just started teaching a sit down lesson about the restoration. We bore our testimonies of the Book of Mormon, and challenged her to take it back and read it. And she did! She took the Book of Mormon she had meant to return back home because she wanted to read it now! That was a big testimony builder for me about the power of your testimony, the Book of Mormon, and of course the Holy Ghost. The way it can soften someone's  heart, and help them choose to follow the Savior is amazing. So, my challenge for everyone this week is to go and bear your testimony to someone. It doesn't have to be anything special, in fact, in my experience, the simplest testimonies are by far the most powerful. Just let someone know about your love for our Heavenly Father and Christ, the atonement, Joseph Smith, anything really. Just a simple, heartfelt message has the power to change lives, of that I can testify.

Because we went to the temple today, running, I'm running short on time. I'll try to write everyone back, but if I don't get to you, rest assured it will happen next week!

Love you all!

Elder Nelson

PS Despite going to the temple, I didn't get a picture there. But I did get a picture of some soap I bought.

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