Monday, October 31, 2016

How is it already Monday again?

I can't believe that another week has gone by already. Times is flying by so fast. I love being a missionary!

This week we had a Halloween party. The party started at 5:00, so we had to show up about 3:30ish to help set up. Earlier that day, we had lunch with our investigator, Kon. After lunch, we had a lesson with him, and then he helped us set up for the Halloween party. We had dinner at the party and eventually went our separate ways about 6:00. So, Kon is doing really good. Thank you for all your prayers, I can feel them helping us out here!

We held a Chinese Family Home Evening on Sunday at the church. It was supposed to start at 5:00, and when 5 struck, there were a total of 2 people there. So, that's wasn't great. We waited around for a bit, and at 5:15, there were about 8 people. We were feeling pretty lame because there was a lot less people than we expected, so we decided to pray. Right as we finish our pray, 5 more Chinese speakers walk through the door, and more and more follow them as the night goes on. By the end, we had over 25 people at the event. It was such a nice miracles and it was so amazing to see the Lord blessing us in answer to our prayers. I know that God loves all His children and will always answers our prayers!

I love you all! Thank you so much for what you do. Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Got this Ramen on splits with Elder Talbot.

Because "something wicked this way comes" is too scary

The man, Kon, and us eating Go Go's Curry

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Week. Now in Technicolor.

Hello friends and family! This one is going to be a bit shorter because we got to go to the temple today! Sorry for the , I'll try and put on pictures to make up for it!

Elder Bednar visited the mission! It was seriously one of the coolest events. He opened up by telling everyone that they were not allowed to write down anything that he said, because that would be missing the point. He said that rather everyone should write down what the Spirit was saying, and that those notes would become valuable treasures rather than just something that gets lost in a couple months. (Sorry for the really bad paraphrasing. I try.) I really liked that. I was able to learn a lot from him, but ever more from the Spirit he invited into his teaching.

We're still meeting with our Korean friend, Kon! He's a champ. We gave him a pamphlet to read before our next meeting, and when he show'd up next lesson, their were highlights and notes all over. He is such a champ! Love him.

I love the temple! I was praying and I had the warmest feeling come over me that I know was from our Heavenly Father. I know this Gospel is true, and that anyone who learns and applies it in their life can receive greater peace and joy that you can imagine, all because God loves His children.

I love you all. Have a great week!

I found a bear in the Takao Elder's apartment.

We made weird rice seaweed burritos. Yum.

The classic temple pic.

Met this kid on the street. He was way cool!

Also, ran into the Pres himself at the temple. This may be my favorite picture.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Elder Bednar!

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful week, and have used every chance you can to learn and grow. I had a great week, here are some of the highlights!

We met a man named Kon. He is from Korea (shout out to Elder Finch!) and he is way awesome. He told me that this is my name is Korean: 넬슨.So that's pretty cool. We met him on the street on Tuesday, taught him a lesson with our recent convert, Keisuke, and he came to church yesterday! He's a way cool guy, I'm really looking forward to working with him more.

Elder Bednar is visiting Japan! He giving a devotional to the missionaries in the Tokyo and Tokyo South missions tomorrow, so I'm really excited for that. But, this past weekend he held a conference for the members. I was lucky enough to attend with a recent convert of ours. Elder Bednar spoke in Kichijoji, which is where our mission home is, so I was able to be in the congregation as he was speaking to everyone. It was such a great experience. One thing that was shared was about joy. There was a lot spoken, but my favorite bit was all about how joy is a spiritual gift from Heavenly Father. Like all gifts from God, joy doesn't exist to benefit ourselves, but so that we can be a blessing in the lives of those around us. If we seek for this gift for ourself, we will never find it, but as we seek it to bless others, God will pour it out upon us. Turn outwards, give of yourself, and be the Hands of the Lord in your service among His children. As you do that, I know the Lord will bless you and you can find joy!

I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

PS President Wada was at the Elder Bednar Conference. He walked up, patted my head, and asked how I was doing. Pretty much the best experience of my life.

Elder Tree and I are on splits, and ran into this dude who is about as crazy as he looks in this picture

Monday, October 10, 2016

General conference!

Hello my family, both by blood and by choice! I hope you are having a wonderful day! This email is going to be way short, I have very little time. We're celebrating a recent converts birthday, so I don't have a ton of time today.

Conference was awesome! Remember, the real learning from conference comes after the actual conference. Keep remembering the things you learned and felt, keep studying the talks, and applying what you learned! I know it will help you, it's already helped me so much.

Elder Lewis is great! We've had a great couple of days together, and I look forward to the next weeks! He's from Utah, likes engineering, and is willing to work so hard. I know we're going to see so many

I love you all! If I can just leave you all with one thought, I know that Jesus lives. That's become so clear to me in the past couple days, and I want nothing more that for all of you to feel that to.

Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Monday, October 3, 2016

I'd say it was a pretty good week.

Man, it has been quite the week! A lot went on, so I'll see what I can remember and write out!

Keisuke got baptized! Keisuke is a champ, after he got baptized we were saying a prayer together and he ask Heavenly Father to help him to continue to endure to the end from here on out. Also, at his baptismal service, he gave a way good testimony about the Plan of Salvation. Keisuke's faith in the Plan of our Heavenly Father is such a good example to me.

We got our transfer calls! I'm going to be staying in a Hachioji again, and my companion will be Elder Lewis. I'm way excited to be able to stay in Hachioji again, and to keep helping the members, recent converts, and investigators here. I have some way good friends here, so I'm way pumped to be here for another little while!

We got to meet with a dude named Narita San this week. Narita San is way humble, and he just eats up everything we gave him. He said he was blown away by what we taught him, and said that he believed what we were sharing. One thing that stuck out to him what how even though Christ paid for our sins, and God will help us through our trials, They won't do everything for us. We have to put forth our effort now, and then the blessings come. Narita said he won't have it any other way. God will bless us as we strive to do our best to have faith in His Son, and to follow Him.

I love you all so much! Have a great week! Thank you for all your letters and words of encouragement and everything you all do!

Elder Nelson

Ps I'm way jealous of everyone who gets to see General Conference! I'm so excited, but it won't arrive in Japan until this next Saturday. I'm so pumped!

Our friend, Narita.

The baptism.

Bonus picture: Joseph practicing running for President