Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Temple trip!

Hello everyone! How was your week? I hope that it was just fabulous! I don't have a ton of time today, so sorry for the short letter. Here we go!

This transfer is going great! Elder Dana is such an awesome person and awesome missionary, we are working harder than I've ever worked before. We see miracles everyday, and the Lord is really helping us out over here! He loves all of His children!

We had Temple Pday today, which was amazing! We are so blessed to have temples on the Earth, they are places where the Spirit is always so strong! I would highly recommend everyone to read President Nelson's talk from the last general conference, and then go to the temple and ponder. I promise any questions or doubts you have can be answered there. The Lord loves to teach in His own house!

I'm running out of time, but I hope you all have a great week! Good luck everyone at home in school, with graduation just finishing or coming up real soon! I love you all!

Elder Nelson

At the temple!

Monday, April 18, 2016


Wow, what a week this has been a crazy week, I cannot believe that we are already at another Monday! So much stuff happened!

Oh, before I forget, I should mention something about the earthquakes that have happened in Japan. I felt absolutely nothing when the earthquakes went on, it was pretty far away. But, it was still pretty
big, so please pray for all of the people down in the Fukuoka area!

So, first thing is that we got our transfer calls! I will be leaving my beloved Atsugi, and will be transfer to Fugisawa as a Zone Leader in the Fugisawa Zone. That is the same zone that Atsugi is in, so I'm glad that I'll still be able to be in the area, I really love this zone and all the people in it! My companion is named Elder Dana, I've known him in for the past couple transfers, and I am so excited to be working with him!

We taught a lesson this week to one of our investigators and got talking about the Priesthood. We shared President Monson's talk from the most recent General Conference Priesthood session, and shared just how amazing it was that Heavenly Father has given this sacred trust to His children. The Priesthood is amazing, and the Spirit was so strong as we bore testimony about the reality of God the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ. This church is so true, and has the power of God on the Earth.

Thank you all so much for your love and support! It means the world to me! Love you all!

Elder Nelson

PS Shout out to my brother Jonathan De Andrade for his mission call to the Tokyo South Mission!
PPS Here is a picture of the District eating some lunch

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I saw Conference!

(Elder Nelson's Mom here.  I didn't have time to get this up yesterday.  He did write on his regularly scheduled Monday.)

Why, hello everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful week, because I sure did! We got to watch General Conference!

General Conference was so good! I really loved all of the talks, and I know that the speakers were all inspired by the Holy Ghost while they were writing their messages. There were several talks that I really enjoyed, but among my favorites were Elder Eyring's talk in the Saturday Morning Session, Elder Bednar's talk, Elder Uchtdorf's talk in the Sunday Morning Session, Elder Holland's talk, and both of President's Monson's talks (Priesthood Session here, Sunday Morning Session here). I know that President Monson is God's living prophet on the Earth, and so his words have such a special meaning for all of us, especially when the words are so few. I'm so glad that we have the opportunity to study his words, and feel the guidance of the Lord in our lives.

One very cool miracles was that we were watching General Conference in the Stake Center, which is about 45 minutes away from our normal church building, and when we finish we walk down the stairs and bump into one of our investigators! We haven't seen hide nor hair of this guy for a bit, and we didn't know if he would ever turn up again, but he was at the Stake Center! We asked how he knew we were there, he said that he had no idea that we would be there, but he was in the area, and felt like he needed to come into the church building. I know that Heavenly Father is guiding His children, and that He care so deeply for each and every one of us!

I love you all so much! Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

PS My mom should be proud of me, I ate lunch with an investigator today, and they gave me a salad to eat. A salad. With huge chunks of tomatoes in it. And I ate the whole thing. Boom.
PPS One of my most favorite quotes from General Conference: "The first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength" Elder Jeffery R Holland

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Hello everyone! This letter is a day late, and you know what that means, we had a Temple Trip P-Day! It was great, I love the temple so much! I loved attending the temple when I was living in Provo, but it just gets better and better as times goes on for me. We are so blessed in this church to have access to so many of the blesses that are found in the temples!

Conference happened this weekend, but Japan doesn't get to see it for another week because of translating, so I'll get to wait in anticipation for another couple days! How was conference for everyone? What was your favorite talk? I want to know!

This week all of the Sakura trees in Japan bloomed! Sakura means cherry trees, and they are absolutely beautiful! The sad thing is they only stay around for about a week, but while they are here, it is amazing! I love that Sakura season is usually right near Easter. Sakura season means that winter is over, and that new life is coming. Christ Resurrection means the exact same thing for all of us. I love this gospel!

I hope you all have a great week!

Love you all!
Elder Nelson

Me and the Bishop

At the Temple!

The District!